He also introduced fundamental synthesizer concepts such as modularity and envelope generators. Moog's principal innovation was the voltage-controlled oscillator, which uses voltage to control pitch. Robert Moog developed the synthesizer in response to demand for more practical and affordable electronic music equipment, guided by suggestions and requests from composers including Herb Deutsch, Richard Teitelbaum, Vladimir Ussachevsky and Wendy Carlos. Its oscillators can produce waveforms of different timbres, which can be modulated and filtered to shape their sounds ( subtractive synthesis).
The synthesizer can be played using controllers including keyboards, joysticks, pedals and ribbon controllers, or controlled with sequencers. Modules include voltage-controlled oscillators, amplifiers, filters, envelope generators, noise generators, ring modulators, triggers and mixers. The Moog synthesizer consists of separate modules which create and shape sounds, which are connected via patch cords. It was the first commercial synthesizer and established the analog synthesizer concept. (later known as Moog Music) produced numerous models from 1965 to 1981, and again from 2014. Moog debuted it in 1964, and Moog's company R.
The Moog synthesizer is a modular synthesizer developed by the American engineer Robert Moog.